Hawcroft Challenge

This challenge consists of:

The times added together for each of the 3 scurries and for the working test.

Each entry for the challenge shall be on a separate score card marked out for the event.

A dog handler may enter as many times as they wish but only on a separate score card.

This challenge will be run over the two days.  At the end of the second day the results will be given.

The prizes are as follows:

  • £250 for the best Labrador
  • £250 for the best Spaniel

Also, prizes will be given from our sponsors as follows:

  • Acme Whistles
  • Sneyds Wonderfeeds – Dog Food
  • Lick Mat People


The timekeepers decision is the final one.

Dogs must not be held in the marked boxes.


** All dogs and owners are entered at their own risk.