Taking place over 25th & 26th May, we are thrilled to bring to you a fantastic Clay Shooting Line at this year’s Highclere Show, promising something for every type of shot.
Organised and run by Oxford Gun Company and Bristol Clay Shooting, and kindly supported by Bowman Traps, the Clay Shooting Line has some superb competitions lined-up and some excellent prizes and incentives up for grabs too.
We are also offering FREE entry to the event if you pre-book your first card. More details coming soon on this…..
50 bird English Sporting
Birds Only – £25 per entry
Competition – £30 per entry
Overall high guns in each class of the competition entry will win a Shotgun. The competition is ran over both days of the event.Classes are as follows:
Juniors Under 18s
Booking in will start at 9:45am – Shooting will start at 10am Last entry will be 4pm.
Fibre Wad Cartridges ONLY – anyone using plastic WAD will be asked to leave.
Scorecards may only be handed to the trapper when they are free (not whilst they are buttoning for a shooter) When its your turn the trapper will call your name.
To claim 1st prize in any event the person/s must be in attendance on the 2nd day of the event. In the event of a shoot off those involved need to be available at approx 4:30pm.
If a shooter is not in attendance they will forfeit 1st place.
Prize giving will be approximately 5:00pm.
Other Information
Pump action and semi auto shotguns can be used but must be either sleeved or flagged when not in the shooting stands
Any multi shot weapon MUST only have 2 cartridges loaded at any one time
Maximum cartridge size 28gram size 6
ALL cartridges MUST be felt wad
We recommend that shooters wear a cap hearing and eye protection when shooting
Cartridges will be available to purchase on the day. You must have with you a current, valid shotgun license
Have a Go at Clay Shooting
£15 for 10 clays, cartridges and instruction